I read the article :
Technology and a House of Learning by Charles and Dawn Graham
I watched a bunch of different videos. Some of them were from netzsmart where I watched about the harmful effects of cyber bullying and jealous friendships. I watched more BPS videos from Frontline that talked about how children and teenagers are spending their lives on the internet. It also brought up the discussion about what parents can do to prevent issues on-line. I also watched 5 videos from NetSafeUtah which also showed videos about cyber prededors, what they say and how to be safer online. I also watch the video on Katie's story which described the Missing game and how is was used to reach Katie and showed her the harmful effects of talking and meeting stranger online. Alot of the videos were insightfull and shows how cunning and crafty prededors can be.
I talked with my mother about internet safety. I explain about the different videos that I watched and we discussed what type of things predetors say and do to sound innocent and to attract other people. I explained to her that I learned about not giving any information out o the internet and how important it is for me as a future parent and a future teacher to teach childen about internet safety. I explained about parents using different safety blockers online and my mom has already used some on our own home computers. We also discussed how to keep the temptation away such as keeping the computer in open areas where no one person is alone and secluded on the computer. Another way was to talk to children at a young age and explain the dangers of misusing the computer. I also talked about the article I read and we both discussed the good and useful qualities of the internet and that we should always be looking for the good in technology. I think my mother will continue to talk to my brother and remind him of the good and bad uses of the internet.