Lauren MacDonald

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

what is Important

I Agree that using videos, tapes , music, or movies are all a very good way to incorporate audio visual into the classroom. Allowing the students to actually see real life items or actually hear something will always spark their interest a lot more than a boring text book. I think the most important thing is to make technology equipment kid friendly, instead of saying “use your digital camera” the teacher says “okay use your spidercams” This allows students to become more excited in what they are doing for their assignment. Getting their excitement and getting the equipment on their level is very important. I also think that it is important to show students what kind of things they can do with the computer outside of the classroom. This is important because they do not equate computers simply with school and class work. They need to see that technology can be used at home and for fun!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Technology in the Classroom

I am in the elementary education program, and currently doing my first cohort in a second grade classroom at Southland elementary school. In the school as a whole there is not a lot of technology available. There are no computers in the classroom where I am at. Each teacher is given a lab top to use for attendance and other school things but she is the only person with access to a computer. In the classroom there is an over head projector and something similar to an overhead where is magnifies anything put under it. sometimes the teachers use this when they are conducting a shared reading lesson and all students need access to the text, however I have not seen this done so far. the students do go to the computer lab once a week but that class is taught by a different teacher.

I have done both the midcourse evaluation and the informed consent forms.